Ilrusi Atoll Stagin Point
 Ilrusi Atoll (Caedarva Mire)

 Golden Savage [Second Class]
 Lamia Nº13 [First Class]
 Extermination [Superior Class]

·-> Misión:
Lamia No.13 (Ilrusi Atoll) Objective: Eliminate Lamia No.13

Recruitment: Lv.70, 3-6 mercenaries
El Truco: dispel a los soldados, yo la he hecho 1 monk + 1 nin + 1 brd + 1 rdm:
Empiezas con un Chainspell + dispel y el BRD con magic finale y dispeleas el charm a todos los soldados. Estos, entonces dejan de pearte a ti y le dan a la Lamia

El problema es que la Lamia vuelve a charmearlos, y, entonces tienes que volver a dispelear, pero hay algun soldado que se lanza STR boost y es por eso que necesitas 2 dispels
a parte de eso.. lo demas es facil

Lamia 13 can be beaten extremely easily. The trick is to dispel or finale the 3 "minions". They stop attacking you and start attacking the lamia.

I just did this in an uncapped party of 6 (NIN WAR SAM THF WHM BLM). You start on the ship at (J- on this map [FFXI Atlas]. We found Lamia No.13 roaming in the northern portion of the map with 3 Fomor-type mobs accompanying her:

Fallen Imperial Wizard (tier 3 -ga's, Bio 3, and Dispel)

Volunteer (didn't cast anything)

and Trooper (Bind, Blizzard 2 - RDM or DRK).

BLM had some trouble sleeping the mobs, so in the future I'd recommend kiting them over relying on BLM sleep. Lamia No.13 used normal Lamia WS (Gusting Gouge, Hypnotic Sway, Tail Slap) but we didn't see any AoE charm. She had maybe twice the HP of an exp mob, and died within 90 seconds after we engaged and used SP's. The Fallen Imperials lose aggro when the Lamia dies. Ancient Lockbox and Rune of Release popped at (H-. 999 AP on win, before leader bonus).

Guia de K.ta para Rodreamers y Melocoton Avenue. v.1.1 ...
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